Harold Roffey Author

Fiction and nonfiction contain truths about who we are, how we behave, how we think and what emotions are stirred within us.

Books | Short Stories | Social Commentary

About the Author

Harold Roffey author

H. E. Roffey was born in London in 1941. He worked as an engineer in the UK, Zambia and South Africa, where he also lectured. He and his wife and two sons moved to Oxford, England in 1987. After working for two London based computer companies, which included consultancy in the UK, Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary he, along with a small number of like-minded colleagues, started an industrial software company. That company expanded into Europe, America and Australia. He retired at the age of 71 and now writes books, short stories and editorials. He resides in Oxford with his wife, a retired lecturer and community worker.